03 Mar Does Your Outsourced Customer Communications Service Provider Hold the Right Security Certifications?
March 3, 2023
Many data breaches are caused by basic security lapses, such as when an employee falls victim to a phishing attack by opening a link or attachment in an email they believe to be from a reputable business, or when a customer communication service provider inadvertently exposes sensitive customer information by using the wrong size envelope. For any company working with a third-party service provider, basic mistakes like these can lead to costly regulatory penalties and litigation. Knowing which security certifications are important when it comes to selecting a secure outsourced print provider can prevent expensive privacy violations and ensure that your clients’ precious data is protected.
While the prospect of undergoing the rigorous audits required to achieve security certifications can be intimidating for some third-party print providers, choosing an outsource partner who has met the high standards of frameworks such as HITRUST CSF and SOC2 is ultimately an investment in your company’s reputation for data security. These certifications are not one-size-fits all, as different security frameworks can address unique requirements of individual industries. Identifying and understanding the certifications that are important for your business ensures that you are receiving the most relevant and up-to-date information about data security for your field.
Here are two security certifications that you need to know:
The AICPA’s SOC 2 framework is designed to help companies measure the efficacy of the security controls used to protect customer data. The criteria for this framework include controls that assure security and processing integrity, as well as the confidentiality and privacy of customer information. This certification is the standard for transactional print, mail and electronic service providers and others that process and store customer data.
HITRUST CSF (Common Security Framework) Certification has long been an important framework for companies that handle protected health information. However, recent expansions of this framework mean it is no longer used exclusively by companies bound by rigorous HIPAA standards. HITRUST now encompasses multiple security requirements, such as NIST, FedRAMP and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and is increasingly used by businesses in the financial services and insurance sectors.
DATAMATX holds certifications in both SOC 2 and HITRUST CSF, making us a trusted third-party service partner for companies in a wide range of sectors. By achieving and maintaining these credentials, we’ve also demonstrated our ongoing commitment to updating our security strategies, identifying any gaps in our protocols and addressing any security concerns in a timely fashion. We overlook nothing in our efforts to keep your business safe and, in turn, to keep your customers feeling confident in sharing their valuable data with you!